[App needs to be purchased at www.sitely.app]
Larger off-centred carousel hero image
Top page sidebar navigation
Google web fonts
Image gallery plus Lightbox
Contact form [with Thank You page]
Bonus 404 page
Bonus Coming Soon page
Theme Kit Version 1.0
Compatible with Sitely V5.0+
Compatible best with macOS 10.14 upwards
Compatible in all modern W3C browsers - macOS & Windows…
Safari, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi
Sitely File
Licence Agreement
Getting Started Checklist
Pre-Launch Checklist
This standard theme kit is a one-page website built with bold and edgy visuals and layout, making it for an ideal photography studio, or designer looking for a standout presence online.
It is also suited to the individual who would like to express their personality online, or a photographer displaying their art and and a strong CTA.
The following information is what your Theme Kit Template is composed of, including the responsive breakpoints, aka devices…
Please note, your template is not limited in any way and can be further built-out to your needs.
The theme kit’s main navigation is two fold…
A simple side bar navigation for the 1200, 960 and 768 devices. For the 320 device you have an animated hamburger navigation using a popup.
The theme kit site has been created with 2 adaptive and editable website breakpoints…
1200px [desktop, auto-scale]
960px [laptop, editable]
768px [tablet, auto-scale]
320px [mobile, editable]
The following web pages are included in the theme kit template- Greenfoto Boss…
Portfolio [section]
About Me [section]
My Services [section]
Testimonials [section]
Contact [section]
[Thank You]
[Coming Soon]
Your standard Theme Kit Template has been built out on the Sitely platform giving you a simple and secure means for the upkeep of your new website.
The Them Kit has been built using only the elements of Sitely (no introduced code), and can easily be the starting point of any of your future Sitely project(s).
Open your Them Kit Template in Sitely and once open you can drag and drop (or click copy and paste) it into your existing Sitely project.
Please note, the Theme Kit has been built out in the 960px Device and custom laid-out in the 320 Device. These are the only 2 Devices that are editable via Sitely unless you turn the others into custom layouts as well. The 1200px and 768px Devices are auto-scaled.
Your theme kit is totally customisable from the images and text, to the buttons and icons, to the colour scheme and Google web fonts. Everything you need for editing is there for you to customise on the intuitive free-flow Sitely platform which your Flamin’ Fig theme kit has been built on.
So all you need is your Flamin’ Fig theme kit, purchase Sitely Pro (if you haven’t already), a host, a domain name, and input your personal branding and content… and hit publish!
The following font-styles are used…
Antonio Regular
Lato Regular
Lato Bold
The imagery used has been sourced from Unsplash & Pixabay and is copyright free. All included font styles used are free and are from Google Fonts.
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At Flamin’ Fig, we not only love the online simplicity that we offer in our theme kit templates, we also love our planet and feel humbled that we can offer you both in this new age of awareness!
© Copyright , All rights reserved | Created by Flamin’ Fig | Product of Zenzulu Creative